Morrow County Fair 2015
The 165th Morrow County Fair is a eight day event being command from 31st August to the 7th September 2015 at the Morrow County fairgrounds in Ohio town, USA. This event showcases products like agriculture, livestock, horticulture, fine arts, photography, clothing, woodwork, handcrafted jewelry, food, needle craft etc etc. within the Agriculture & biology, Gifts & Handicrafts, Equipment, Toys & Games, Food & drink, Agriculture & horticulture industries.Important
Summer Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM-4:00 PMWinter Office Hours - Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Meeting Changes - The Executive Committee will be on Monday night of the week prior to the Sr. Fair Board meeting at 7:00 PM
The Sr. Fair Board meeting times have been changed to 7:30 PM instead of 8:00 PM