Yakub Memon will be hanged on 30 July,2015

Yakub Memon - hanged on 30 July, 2015

Yakub Memon, to be hanged.

Yekub is likely to be hanged in the Central jail on the scheduled day after his last legal attempt to escape the gallows was turned down by the apex court.

About Memon with this case

In 2007 he was found guilty of conspiracy in the 1993 serial blast - 12 almost simultaneous explosions had ripped through Mumbai on 12 March 1993, Killing 200+ people and injured 700+ peoples, Rs 27 Cr properties was destroyed .

And then he was arrested at the Nepal(1994) and he has been in jail. 

He obtain masters degrees while in prison.

Memon is only person out of 11 people whose death sentance in the case has been verified. the others were commuted to life imprisonment.

Tiger Memon,Brother of Yakub Memon.(Gangster/mobster) He got the nickname 'Tiger' after helping a drugs and weapons smuggler.

According to the supreme Court official instruction, Yekub Memon relatives must be informed 15 days before the execution.

Particularly for his family/Wife, are expected to arrive either on Tuesday or Wednesday for a visit.

The entire proceedings of July 30, 2015 will be monitored.