The New York Time's New successful Experiment by using WhatsApp.

The New York Time's New successful Experiment 

The New York Times (NYT) is an American daily newspaper, founded and continuously published in New York City since September 18, 1851, by the New York Times Company. It has won 117 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization.

WhatsApp NY Times

We All Know about the WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is a messaging service owned by Facebook, and it is used to chat with friends and Family members and so.

The New York Times takes a part by using WhatsApp service as a experiment.Users of WhatsApp, around the world, judging by their country codes and receive daily WhatsApp messages on their phone by signed Up.

If the users may wanted more visuals about certain news mean, Time's sent additional photography and a link to one of Jim's mobile video (a perk derived from direct dialogue between readers and editors).


Many WhatsApp users seemed to appreciate the interactive nature of the platform.

Time's speeak : We using New tools for this service.? Nope, Couple of editors working. There is Nothing special behind the curtain.


Once singned Up, He or She was along for the ride with Jim and the Pope whether they wanted to be or Not.